Pixel, Phone by Google Rio Ilham Hadi 10/05/2016 GooglePixel Meet Pixel, Phone by Google. It has the highest rated smartphone camera. Ever. A battery that lasts all day. Unlimited storage for all...
I Wanna Google Pixel Rio Ilham Hadi 10/05/2016 DreamGooglePixel I Wanna Google Pixel - Nunc augue sem, vestibulum sed urna id, venenatis vulputate nisl. Morbi quam tortor, fringilla id turpis non, al...
Android Nougat, Corning Gorilla Glass 4 Rio Ilham Hadi 10/05/2016 PixelSpech Google Pixel Spec - Nullam in dictum leo, a malesuada tortor. Integer enim dolor, lobortis ut lorem et, malesuada posuere justo. Suspend...
Hands On Google Pixel Rio Ilham Hadi 10/05/2016 GoogleHands OnPixel Quisque scelerisque tellus nec facilisis eleifend. Donec odio tellus, molestie et neque nec, auctor luctus ligula. Phasellus a lacinia q...
Stylish Google Pixel Silver White Color Rio Ilham Hadi 10/05/2016 ColorGooglePixelSilverWhite Premium Silver Color - Nice Color Design - Sed ac tellus sodales, facilisis orci nec, egestas justo. Nam interdum dui mauris, non tinci...
Amazing Design in Google Pixel XL 5.5inch Rio Ilham Hadi 10/05/2016 DesignGooglePixel Google Pixel XL - Donec urna ipsum, vestibulum eget leo vel, ultricies congue purus. Duis et massa non orci varius varius. Curabitur sc...
Google Pixel Color Type Rio Ilham Hadi 10/05/2016 ColorGooglePixelType Maecenas tincidunt tellus vel ligula sodales ullamcorper. Curabitur ac tellus in purus aliquam suscipit ut vel nulla. Vestibulum ante ip...